n55 is a design group with a political mission. They see human need exploited by concentrations of power, and human interaction infected with power games and competition.

Even before we met Craigslist and Occupy Wall Street, people were looking to live without the hegemony of power and to interact with one-another without competition or profit. n55 has tapped into this sentiment, and looks to improve our human situation through design and programming. ROOMS is a personal favorite of ours.

n55 exists only when engaged. The projects and products are designed for anyone at any ability level. As we interact with the manuals, n55’s vision is brought to life. So go, spacial cadets, you are all part of n55, you just have yet to participate.

They live at this address: www.n55.dk

Missing Harrison Ford rom-coms,

{the spacial cadets}

Grand people,

Mustard comes in many containers, but these, manufactured for Amora brand mustard are exceptional.


Here we are paired with the classic Grey Poupon. Where Grey Poupon leaves us wanting more is when you’ve used all the mustard and are in need of a wine glass.


Jealous condiments,
{the spacial cadets}

We’ll have the same title for our New Year post.

Here’s a light we recently came across that we think we really love, but have yet to see in person. If you’ve seen it in person feel free to wrap it and mail it our way for personal inspection, we won’t mind.

The lamp is a collection of LEDs, conceived and constructed by Humans Since 1982.

Luddites need not apply,

{the spacial cadets}

If whale songs were flattery, we’d often be flattered – too loudly.

Nonetheless, if you were a whale you could hear your song as sung by another whale, because whales pick up on catchy songs and it is quite the compliment. This is a live feed from underneath Antarctic ice, where you can listen in on ice breaking, seals hitting the microphones and whales singing. The Alfred-Wegener Institute uses these sounds to study marine life populations and behaviors. It’s the blind leading the blind.

We were let in on this surfari adventure by a fantastic site for interesting sounds called Silent Listening.

If whales don’t get your boat rockin’, try this


{the spacial cadets}